Victoria’s Secret Model And Partner With Down Syndrome Prove Love Has No Limits

Victoria’s Secret has been slowly taking an approach that changes its choice of models after severe criticism. This brought them to finally open their door to all kinds of beauty, including Down Syndrome model Sofia Jirau. Nothing, however, has stopped Sofia from taking everyone’s attention when she’s on the runway.

Modeling was always her dream and with the support of her parents throughout the years, her hard work has been paying off.

Jirau would often hear from those close to her that her dream is not to be because of how she was born. But at 27 years old, the Puerto Rican model proved them otherwise. She made her first big break at the New York Fashion Week in February 2020. And finally, in 2022, she became the first Victoria’s Secret model with Down Syndrome, appearing in their Love Cloud Collection which features other inclusive models.

She spoke with NBC, “I want to tell the whole world that people with my condition, Down syndrome, inside and out, we have no limits.”

“People who have Down syndrome like me are capable of getting a job, creating their own business, and working hard like me.”

We also know that Sofia’s excited about her relationship with Chris González, a fellow Puerto Rican. He was the first with Down Syndrome to obtain a driver’s license in Puerto Rico.

But beyond that, Christopher is also a chef, barista, and entrepreneur on a food truck. The power couple has become a trailblazer as they started the “Sin Limites” (“Unlimited”) campaign. Goes without saying that they’re both hard workers in their own fields, dreaming and aiming for higher with each step they take together.

Victoria's Secret Model And Partner With Down Syndrome Prove Love Has No Limits
Victoria’s Secret Model And Partner With Down Syndrome Prove Love Has No Limits
Victoria's Secret Model And Partner With Down Syndrome Prove Love Has No Limits
Victoria’s Secret Model And Partner With Down Syndrome Prove Love Has No Limits

We can’t imagine just how high they’re both going, but we can’t wait to see it!

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