Woman Gives Birth To Her Grandchild After Serving As Her Daughter’s Surrogate

Having experienced miscarriages, heartbreaks, numerous surgeries, Breanna Lockwood finally got to welcome a baby girl through the help of mom Julie Loving into the world. Loving, then 51, carried her daughter’s child, who struggled through years of fertility problems.

Breanna Lockwood finally got to welcome a baby girl through the help of mom Julie Loving (pictured here).

The heartwarming tale made the headlines worldwide and even attracted followers to Breanna’s Instagram page, where she talks about her fertility struggles and her mom’s surrogacy. Biological granddaughter Briar Juliette was born healthy, and while Brenna and her husband had been overjoyed, it wasn’t all smooth sailing for Julie.

Granddaughter Briar Juliette was born healthy, and indeed the heartwarming tale made headlines.

Woman Gives Birth To Her Grandchild After Serving As Her Daughter's Surrogate
Rachel Langlois Photography

While Brenna and her husband had been overjoyed, it wasn’t all smooth sailing for Julie.

Woman Gives Birth To Her Grandchild After Serving As Her Daughter's Surrogate

After the safe delivery of Briar, Julie suffered waves of heavy postpartum anxiety, postpartum depression, and intense nausea for weeks. “I think people ultimately think surrogacy postpartum is sadness because they don’t get the baby. But that couldn’t be further from the case.” Brenna said on Instagram.

Julie suffered waves of heavy postpartum anxiety, postpartum depression, and intense nausea for weeks.

She added: “My mom had waves of heavy postpartum anxiety, maybe also some slight postpartum depression. Anxiety turning on heavy at night, crying and fearful, she couldn’t explain it. Nausea. Nausea so bad followed by more anxiety and fear of throwing up and using those stomach muscles.”

“Nausea so bad followed by more anxiety and fear of throwing up and using those stomach muscles.”

Woman Gives Birth To Her Grandchild After Serving As Her Daughter's Surrogate
Woman Gives Birth To Her Grandchild After Serving As Her Daughter's Surrogate

“It wasn’t what we visioned or hoped for; of course, we are thankful, and the ultimate goal is a healthy baby.”

“Could it be the delivery? It wasn’t what we visioned or hoped for; of course, we are thankful, and the ultimate goal is a healthy baby. But delivery trauma can play a part. The emergency C-section recovery was undoubtedly so much harder to bounce back from than my mom’s previous vaginal births.” Brenna stated.

Brenna Lockwood, pictured with Julie, had suffered miscarriages, heartbreaks, and numerous surgeries.

Woman Gives Birth To Her Grandchild After Serving As Her Daughter's Surrogate

“It was about 2-4 weeks, immediately following the birth. Whatever it was, baby blues, PPD/PPA. IT WAS ROUGH.”

Woman Gives Birth To Her Grandchild After Serving As Her Daughter's Surrogate

She concluded: “Hormone drops, we are talking high pregnancy hormones, dropping back down to menopausal levels. Something we didn’t prepare for, nor I feel anyone thought about until it was happening. It was about 2-4 weeks, immediately following the birth. Whatever it was, baby blues, PPD/PPA. IT WAS ROUGH. Rough for my mama, and rough on my heart watching her struggle.”

Julie shared that Briar’s birth was traumatic and that she hadn’t been mentally prepared for a C-section.

Julie had her husband help take care of her, and within four weeks, she felt much better.

Woman Gives Birth To Her Grandchild After Serving As Her Daughter's Surrogate

In an interview with Insider, Julie shared that Briar’s birth was quite traumatic and that she hadn’t been mentally prepared for a C-section. Fortunately, Julie had her husband help take care of her, and within four weeks, she felt much better. At the moment, the mom-daughter are enjoying the latest addition to their family while having happy moments.

In December, Briar witnessed her first Christmas.

In December 2020, the family celebrated their shared birthdays, and later in the same month, Briar witnessed her first Christmas. These joyous times undeniably come at the end of a fertility journey that Breanna had opened up candidly on the internet. This is truly a happy ending, do you agree?

In the same month, the family celebrated shared birthdays.

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