‘My Husband Is Gay & I’m Fine With It’: Couple Shares Their Love Story And Its Amazing

Brynn Embley is happily married to Mathew Nielson and shares two lovely daughters, Amandine and Guinevere. The 35-Year-Old from Ypsilanti, Michigan, describes herself as straight, while Mathew, 33, identifies as gay or pansexual, meaning he’s more attracted to men than women. The couple has been dating since 2017 and is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-Day Saints.

Brynn Embley is happily married to her gay husband, Mathew Nielson.

'My Husband Is Gay & I'm Fine With It': Couple Shares Their Love Story And Its Amazing
The Embley-Nielsons / Instagram

The duo has been dating since 2017 and has two daughters, aged two and one.

'My Husband Is Gay & I'm Fine With It': Couple Shares Their Love Story And Its Amazing
The Embley-Nielsons / Instagram

Their love life started having spotted each other during a social gathering. The duo instantly felt a click, and it turned out they shared common interests. Also, they both expressed their love for books and Harry Potter and shared the same opinion on social issues. During one of their lively dates, Mathew told Brynn he was gay, and surprisingly enough, she didn’t seem bothered.

Matthew admitted to Brynn that he was gay or pansexual when they started dating.

'My Husband Is Gay & I'm Fine With It': Couple Shares Their Love Story And Its Amazing
The Embley-Nielsons / Instagram
'My Husband Is Gay & I'm Fine With It': Couple Shares Their Love Story And Its Amazing
The Embley-Nielsons / Instagram

Surprisingly, Brynn didn’t seem bothered about sexuality and officially got married to Mathew in Utah.

'My Husband Is Gay & I'm Fine With It': Couple Shares Their Love Story And Its Amazing
The Embley-Nielsons / Instagram

In particular, Brynn was reportedly left thrilled and felt honored that he still chose to spend time with her. As expected, some people were offended when they heard about the couple’s mixed-orientation relationship, but their friends and family accepted their love and happiness for one another. There were a few people who got inspired by it and even applauded them for the validation.

The unusual couple is now four years into their relationship: happy and monogamous.

'My Husband Is Gay & I'm Fine With It': Couple Shares Their Love Story And Its Amazing
The Embley-Nielsons / Instagram

The duo has shared a love for books and Harry Potter and the same opinion on social issues.

“The most loving thing Mathew has ever told me is that he never gets tired of me, out of all the humans he has ever known – that kind of compatibility doesn’t happen every day. We’re so happy our message is helping others feel the validation and love they are missing.” Brynn, according to Brightside, stated. Like any relationship, Brynn and Mathew face ups and downs, some heartbreaks and closures, but their love has remained present, keeping the spark alive.

Some people have expressed being inspired by the duo’s relationship and even thanked them for the validation.

'My Husband Is Gay & I'm Fine With It': Couple Shares Their Love Story And Its Amazing
The Embley-Nielsons / Instagram
'My Husband Is Gay & I'm Fine With It': Couple Shares Their Love Story And Its Amazing
The Embley-Nielsons / Instagram

“Talking about sexuality is a significant and critical part of life — it’s part of who we are.” Brynn insisted.

'My Husband Is Gay & I'm Fine With It': Couple Shares Their Love Story And Its Amazing
The Embley-Nielsons / Instagram

The duo officially got married in Utah and spent the entire honeymoon enjoying each other’s presence. At a point in their life, they questioned whether or not their marriage would work in terms of intimacy; however, there was chemistry in other aspects, including their shared love for traveling and books. However, the couple has learned about each other and the LGBTQIA+ community while spreading awareness to the world.

Despite some ups and downs, heartbreaks, and closures, their love remains present and their spark never left.

'My Husband Is Gay & I'm Fine With It': Couple Shares Their Love Story And Its Amazing
The Embley-Nielsons / Instagram
'My Husband Is Gay & I'm Fine With It': Couple Shares Their Love Story And Its Amazing
The Embley-Nielsons / Instagram

Mathew and Brynn have indeed proved LOVE IS ACCEPTANCE, KINDNESS & PEACE.

'My Husband Is Gay & I'm Fine With It': Couple Shares Their Love Story And Its Amazing
 The Embley-Nielsons / Instagram

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