20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions

The weirdest things in life make us feel normal. And if there’s anything that makes the 21st century better than the ’90s we can now share these moments on the internet. Sometimes all you need is reassurance that there are some really bizarre moments happening out there.

Out of these 20 pictures, we know you’re going to have to ask at least, all of them. Gathered from Reddit, here are some of the weirdest moments caught in 4K or less, for you.

“My sleeping cat looks like it has 2 tails.”

20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions
20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions

How to candle again?

20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions
20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions

Snoopy doesn’t look well right now.

20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions
20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions

“The picture on my coffee creamer for my flight from Iceland is of a worker at a slaughterhouse.”

20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions
20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions

“Good job.”

20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions
20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions

“So I bought this lovely heart-shaped rear light for my bike.”

20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions
20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions

“I have found a glitch in the Matrix.”

20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions
20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions

“3 years ago my husband told me I needed to get a hobby. I think he has some regrets.”

20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions
20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions

“My friend’s mom only wanted to tan her legs.”

20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions
20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions

Bandaid pattern prints are on the new skin growing on my finger.

20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions
20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions

“Asked my two year old niece to smile for a photo.”

20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions
20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions

“Land, ho!”

20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions
20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions

It’s really about time for the sofa.

20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions
20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions

“Found this car covered in artificial grass on the way home from a car show.”

20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions
20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions

Yeah. Crimes have been solved.

20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions
20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions

“I asked to have it edged up so my bangs would be straight.”

20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions
20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions

“This man looks like Albert Einstein, and the Waldo arm in the same pic.”

20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions
20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions

“Tampa Police cruiser contending with Florida floodwater.”

20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions
20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions

Sir, I think you need to consolidate the benches.

20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions
20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions

“My girlfriend just asked what the “no” on this switch meant…”

20 Times People Saw Pictures That Give Them So Many Questions

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