Camille Cosby Played A Major Part In Bill Cosby’s Release, But She Feels Other Could’ve Done More

Bill Cosby has had many people continue to support him in light of his accusations. While many women have come forward, many other women have stayed by his side. This includes his TV wife, Phylicia Rashad, TV daughters Tempestt Bledsoe and Keisha Knight Pulliam, and his real-life wife, Camille Cosby. Let’s take a look at how Mrs. Cosby played a major part in Bill’s release and who she believes could’ve done more.

Camile has not minced words over the years when it comes to the accusations against her husband and his legacy. When it was revealed that Cosby would be getting out in 2020 she told the media that she was very happy and did not care what others thought. The 76-year-old said, “First of all, I don’t care what they feel.” Camile went on to say that the ‘movement’ was advancing the wants of white women who looked to continue to take down black men in America.

This came on the heels of months of Camile campaigning to get her husband’s Pennsylvania case dismissed. She demanded the judge involved step down and the case be thrown out. Eventually, she got her wish after it was revealed that a plea deal with Cosby from several years prior rendered his admissions of guilt null and void. At one point, Camille asked a panel to investigate the Judge presiding over Cosby’s Philadelphia case. Camille believed Judge Steven T. O’Neill was unethical and therefore incapable of being fair to Bill Cobsy.

Two weeks after Bill Cosby was released rumors began to circulate surrounding Bill and Camille’s marriage after she was spotted in New York without her ring. The media immediately began running stories questioning the state of their marriage, despite Camille remaining by Bill’s side throughout the entire trial. The same happened in 2018 when RadarOnline reported Camille had moved out of their family home two months following Cosby’s guilty verdict. The rumor was later debunked as Camille and Bill’s marriage appears stronger than ever.

While Keisha Knight Pulliam was team Cosby for a bit, she eventually was scared to align with him publicly. At one point, Keisha Knight Pulliam support cost her legally, after her baby father took her to court after violating his visitation rights and traveling out of state to be with Cosby. Hartwell said he gets to see daughter for one hour, two times a week , and Pulliam compromised his visitation rights running behind Cosby. As the pressure of Cosby’s guilty verdict and reality began to set in, Puliiam began to distance herself.

Keisha Knight Pulliam’s distance eventually became a problem for Bill Cosby’s wife, Camille Cosby. Camille requested Keisha write a litter to the judge after Cosby was found guilty. However, Pulliam never wrote the letter. This led to Camille saying the Cosby actress did not support Bill Cosby enough after all he’s done for her financially.. She also called out Phylicia Rashad for not appearing in court.

While Keisha Knight Pulliam will be forever thankful for Bill Cosby, the actress has chose to remain silent when asked anything relating to his case. Pulliam has not spoke about Camille Cosby publicly.

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