12 Ways to Lower Your Electric Bill

The cost of utilities, particularly the electric bill, tends to account for a sizable portion of household budgets. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the average monthly energy bill for residential users in the U.S. in 2022 was $137 (or almost $1,600 annually).

Try these practical strategies to reduce your bill.

Conduct an energy audit.

Push the thermostat a little.

your freezer and refrigerator’s temperature.

Shower for fewer minutes.

Change the showerhead.

In cold or warm water, wash your garments.

Your water heater’s temperature should be adjusted.

Invest in energy-saving appliances.

Inquire about reduced prices.

Use LED illumination instead.

Put in dimmers switches.

Use intelligent power strips.

For information and specifics on how to reduce your electricity costs, keep reading. Visit the Office of Energy Saver at the Energy Department for further details on these and other suggestions.

cooling and heating
The best places to search for cost-saving options are in the areas of home heating and cooling, some of the biggest offenders behind high utility bills.

Conduct an energy audit.
If at all possible, have a professional visit first. Utility companies frequently perform an energy audit of your home, sometimes gratis, and can find strategies to lower your energy consumption. An audit can assist you in determining, among other things, whether inadequate window and door seals or leaking ductwork are causing your home to lose energy. Additionally, you’ll receive suggestions for effective fittings and repairs. For information on how to schedule an audit, speak with your local electricity provider.

Push the thermostat a little bit.
This is a simple one. When you are sleeping or gone from home, adjust your thermostat by 7 to 10 degrees (depending on the season). Your annual heating and cooling costs can be reduced by about 10% if you do this for eight hours each day. An automatic thermostat takes care of the work for you.

your freezer and refrigerator’s temperature
Set the freezer to 0 degrees and the refrigerator to 37 degrees. Your food will remain fresh as a result, but your refrigerator and freezer won’t have to work as hard to keep things cold.

» MORE: What is the typical gas price?

According to the Energy Department, the second biggest cost associated with powering most houses is hot water. Reduced hot water use in the dishwasher, laundry, and shower can significantly lower your overall energy expenditure.

Shorten your showers
According to the brand Waterpik, typical showerheads use 2.5 gallons of water every minute. That implies shaving off just two minutes from your shower time might result in a water savings of 5 gallons. The energy required to heat the water will be less if you take shorter showers.

Change the showerhead
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, a showerhead that consumes no more than 2 gallons per minute can save household water use by 2,700 gallons annually. Choose one that has the WaterSense label, which verifies that it meets EPA-set efficiency standards.

Use warm or cold water to wash your items.
When doing laundry, always use warm or cold water to save money on your utility cost. According to GE Appliances, doing so can also aid in preventing clothing from shrinking, fading, and creasing. That results in mutual benefit.

Your water heater’s temperature should be adjusted.
Some water heaters have a default temperature setting of 140 degrees. Your annual energy bills can be decreased by 4% to 22% by lowering it to 120 degrees.

Invest in energy-saving appliances.
If you need a new washer, dishwasher, or water heater, invest in an energy-efficient one to save money over the long run. An Energy Star-certified dishwasher consumes on average 12% less energy and 30% less water than a standard model. Give priority to the devices that are used the most, such as the refrigerator, dishwasher, TV, washer, and dryer.

Inquire about price reductions
When general usage is lower, such as early in the morning or late at night, some utility providers offer lower rates at such times of the day. By carrying out your laundry and other energy-intensive tasks during off-peak hours, you could reduce your electricity costs. Ask your electricity provider about a time-of-use rate plan if this sounds appealing to you.
Light and electricity
15% or more of a home’s energy use is attributable to keeping the lights on.

Use LED illumination instead
By replacing aging light fixtures and incandescent bulbs with LEDs, you can save about $225 annually. You will undoubtedly save money by doing this, but switching to LEDs is a necessity. Most incandescent bulbs will no longer be sold due to Energy Department efficiency regulations that recently come into effect. Choose lighting items with the Energy Star designation.

Putting in dimmer switches
With the help of dimmers, you may adjust a room’s brightness to your needs, setting the ambiance while conserving energy.

Use intelligent power strips.
Some electronic devices, including speakers, TVs, and computers, never truly shut off. Instead, they consume a trickle of electricity when operating in standby mode, which can cost $100 per year and 5% to 10% of the energy consumed at home. Connect these electronics to a smart power strip so that it can shut off the electricity when not in use. Another nice choice is a power strip with a manual on/off switch.

Start with a couple of these suggestions, and in the coming months, keep an eye on your electricity account for savings. Work your way up to further modifications to multiply your energy and financial savings.


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