Why men like staying outside with their friends more than at home with their wife

Why men prefer to spend time with their buddies outside rather than with their spouses at home
Most men would choose to spend more time with their friends than with their wives if given the moral choice to do so, without anybody objecting. Men enjoy being married, but they dislike staying at home. Here are some potential causes.

1. His instincts tell him that remaining at home is inappropriate for guys.

This is mostly due to the fact that the majority of the outdoor jobs he likely performed as a child were cleaning cars, running to corner stores to mend generators, repairing furniture, and sorting equipment. His gut urges him to “go a hustle,” get out there and meet more people, and socialize with more people. He doesn’t necessarily think this will make him more naughty or promising, but it may just make him more active and productive. He has them all in his head.

2. His wife makes the household atmosphere uneasy.

Unfortunately, guys want to act in complete freedom without anyone monitoring them, correcting them, or giving them instructions (this is due to the dumb ego most men deal with, anyway!).

It is terrible enough that women are causing an uncomfortable environment at home or that they lack the knowledge and skills necessary to handle it. When their men begin to react poorly to the uncomfortable circumstances at home, most women are not sensitive enough to notice it in time.

3. The majority of women would prefer to be a wife than a buddy

Women are also at ease with the moniker “men’s wives,” but they overlook the fact that “being his friend” is more important to winning a man than being his wife. If you don’t want to be your husband’s friend, he will be forced to find a companion outside (a guy, female, or dog). Most ladies who would prefer to be wives than friends would suffer from ignorance. Similarly to how some ‘friends’ from outside can woo their husbands over.

When a spouse prefers to stay with friends outside of the family, what should the wife do?

It’s better to be a man’s buddy rather than his wife, so don’t imagine that by marrying a man you will instantly get his attention. You’ve lost him to outside ‘friends’ if he finds staying outside more pleasant than returning home. Your God has given you the task of figuring out how to have him run to you, just as you may expect him to run out to meet other “friends” outside.

Since most girls/ladies/women are not taught these values as they mature into women, they enter marriage expecting miracles to begin to happen. They fail to remember that the guy or man has different personalities, a different attitude, and experiences than they have. Sorry, but I have to let you in on a little secret: most love tales, marriage stories, and other types of stories that we hear about or see on the big screen don’t necessarily accurately reflect the genuine nature of most men. They also don’t teach us what to expect from our own marriages. All of it is acting!

Women must now face their true life realities and wake up!that is how we may prevent the marriage collapse that is currently afflicting our world from affecting this generation and the one after it.

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