A blonde and her car

Her friend asked her how many miles her car had on it when she called to ask for guidance. “It’s located at 235,000 miles,” she answered.

This could be the cause of her issue, as her friend noted. Her friend, who works as a mechanic, suggested that she easily change the mileage to any desired amount. Following this instruction, the woman went to the mechanic and asked him to reset the mileage to twenty-five thousand. After her brother’s mileage adjustment, her acquaintance inquired two days later as to if she had been able to sell the automobile. He said, “Why would I sell the car when it’s only showing 25,000 miles on the clock?” with a sly smile.

An Additional Biting Joke:

Making an Attempt to Make Out with a Flight Attendant

A man finds himself by alone at an airport lounge. At that moment, a pretty young woman walks in and sits at the next table. Observing her uniform, the man believes she is a flight attendant who is not on duty. He tries to start a discussion with her by properly identifying the airline she works for, all in an attempt to impress her.


He adds boldly, “Is the British Airways motto, ‘To fly, to serve’?” as he leans in her direction.

The young lady looks at him, obviously perplexed.

Still not giving up, he tries again, bending in and presenting the Air France motto, “Winning the hearts of the world”?

She gives him a puzzled look again.

Not to be deterred, he tries again, this time bringing up the Malaysian Airlines motto. “Exceeding expectations”?

The woman responds, “What the heck do you want?” with a harsh frown.

He says with pride, “Ah-ha!Airlines United.”

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