Shelter rescues neglected dog covered in three pounds of matted fur — he looks completely different after makeover

A neglected and extremely matted dog named Matt has been given a new lease on life thanks to the South Plains SPCA. This is a beautiful story of transformation that has the potential to change the lives of many people. The story of Matt, a dog who was six years old and wrapped in thick, matted fur, was recently shared by the organisation. They described it as the “worst case of dog neglect” they had ever come across.

Matt’s fur was so matted that it had grown into his skin, producing rotting skin areas and causes his nails to reach an astounding two inches in length, according to reports from the SPCA. Matt’s nails had reached an astounding length of two inches. Kim Moyers, the president of the South Plains SPCA, expressed her horror at the extent of abuse that Matt had been subjected to. She speculated that he must have been spotted in a variety of locations, but he was somehow overlooked.

As a result of the South Plains SPCA’s determination to give Matt a second shot, they brought him in and immediately started the difficult process of grooming him. Matt was the name given to the dog because of his matted fur. However, as Matt was being groomed, he experienced a great deal of discomfort, which necessitated the administration of anaesthesia. The rescue crew found a collar and leash that were embedded in his fur, and they eventually shaved off a substantial three pounds of matting that had accumulated over the course of five years of neglect.

Matt’s fur was found to include a wide variety of debris, including goathead stickers, sticks, grass, and even bugs, according to the SPCA’s description of the situation. Despite the fact that the dog was anaemic and needed medicine, the team was relieved to discover that he did not test positive for heartworm and was free of tick disease. This was owing to the fact that his thick fur served as a barrier.

Even while Matt still has a long way to go before he is fully recovered and will need dental work once it is determined that he is safe to do so, the turnaround that has taken place in both his appearance and his demeanour has been nothing short of shocking. Professional groomers who are also fosters for the SPCA performed their magic on Matt, exposing a dog that was “gorgeous-looking” underneath all of the neglect that had been done to him.

As soon as Matt emerged from his grooming session, he revealed his kind and gentle character, and ever since then, he has been enjoying the pleasures of a happy and normal life. The moment that Tori Houston, who is currently Matt’s foster parent, recounted the wonderful moment that Matt went for his first stroll without the burden of years of matted fur was shared by others. In addition to having his tail wagging and his emotions lifted, Matt is now on the road to recovery and will be available for adoption after he has fully recovered from his injuries.

The story of Matt serves as an uplifting reminder of the transformative power of love and care, despite the fact that he was neglected for such a long period of time, which was extremely upsetting. The South Plains SPCA has high hopes that by sharing Matt’s extraordinary journey, they will be able to raise awareness about the significance of responsible pet ownership and inspire others to give animals that have been neglected the opportunity to have a better future.

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