Heartwarming Reunion: 90-Year-Old Man Discovers 14 Siblings He Never Knew Existed

Jim Scott, a 90-year-old man from Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania, had been searching for his birth family for several years. His wish came true when he discovered he had 14 siblings he never knew existed. Scott was left on a doorstep when he was only 12 days old and was raised by his adoptive father, Walter Scott, without any knowledge of his birth family. It was not until he applied to join the Naval Air Cadets at the age of 21 that he discovered he was adopted.

In 2016, Scott penned a Christmas wish to be reunited with his long-lost relatives. With the help of his eldest child, Maryland Haig, he was able to trace his roots by taking DNA tests and submitting his profile on Ancestry.com, the largest genealogy company in the world. After many years of searching, Haig finally found a match in Bob Laubham, a barber nine years younger than Scott who turned out to be his half-brother. Another significant match discovered was Felix Zabroski, an 86-year-old former school teacher who shared the same mother as Scott.

In the fall of 2022, at a family reunion thrown by Zabroski and his seven siblings, Scott finally met his long-lost siblings. The 90-year-old was overwhelmed by the warm welcome he received and said there was no feeling of estrangement. It was as if he had known his siblings forever. In total, Scott discovered he had 14 siblings, 8 of whom were still living.

The reunion was a heartwarming reminder that it is never too late to find your family and make wishes come true. Scott’s story is a testament to the power of perseverance and hope. No matter the age, it is never too late to find your true family and bond.

Scott and his newfound siblings planned a get-together for January 2023, proving that even in his old age, he still strongly believes in wishes coming true. His story has touched the hearts of many and serves as an inspiration to never give up on one’s dreams, no matter how unlikely they may seem.

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