R. Kelly to Stay On Su!c!de Watch “For His Own Safety”

Recently, R. Kelly was sentenced to 30 years in pr!son for federal $e’x cr!m’es. Following the sentence, Kelly was put on su!c!de watch at the Brooklyn Detention Center, where he was being held. Kelly su’ed the facility, saying he was being subjected to “cr’uel and unusual pu’nish’ment.”

Lawyers for the singer say Kelly “is not su!c!dal and expressly told MDC officials that he was not su!c!dal and had no thoughts of harming himself or others.” Now, it has been reported that Kelly is being placed on su!c!de watch “for his own safety.”


After Kelly filed a lawsuit, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Brooklyn filed court papers saying the singer would remain under su!c!de watch following a psychological assessment. Assistant U.S. Attorney Melanie Speight went on to say, “[R. Kelly’s] current life circumstances undoubtedly bring emotional distress. He is a convicted $e’x 0ff’ender who has been sentenced to spend the next three decades in pr!son.”

Speight also said Kelly is being taken to Chicago to face another cr!m!nal trial related to ch@rges of child p0’rn0gr’aphy. Stay tuned for more updates.

Source & Credit: pagesix.com

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