My Boyfriend’s Son Scares Our 3 Month-Old-Daughter on Purpose, Forcing Me to Take Action

In the tranquil setting of a suburban home, a dedicated mother struggled with a sad decision as the son of her boyfriend, who was twelve years old at the time, proceeded to intentionally frighten their daughter, who was three months old. The unnerving behaviour continued despite the mother’s sincere appeals and warnings, which forced her to the point where she was on the verge of breaking down.
A female contributor who wished to remain anonymous posted a message on the “AITAH” subreddit on January 11, 2024, in which she detailed her distressing experience. Despite the fact that she had been diagnosed with postpartum depression (PPD), she questioned the influence that it had on her behaviour.

She had been in a relationship with her lover for a period of six years when the Original Poster (OP) was created. In addition, he was the father of Jake, who was twelve years old, and for the last two years, the two of them had been residing with OP. OP, who had owned her home for about a decade, was confronted with a troubling problem with Jake’s behaviour towards their daughter, who was three months old at the time.
The fact that Jake intentionally frightened the child revealed a concerning tendency, despite the fact that it appeared that he had affection for his sister. Jake would approach the infant and yell out, “RA!” in a loud voice, taking pleasure in the baby’s shocked reactions. The next thing he would do was chuckle, and then he would make a dishonest apology, stating that he had no intention of frightening her.

OP was split between her fears, the probable influence of postpartum depression (PPD), and her need for a resolution, which prompted her to seek guidance from the internet community. This unpleasant routine occurred at least four times per day.

In spite of the fact that OP made repeated efforts to discourage Jake’s disturbing behaviour, including warning him about the possibility of causing injury to the infant’s ears and highlighting the fact that his acts lacked any sense of humour, the worrying behaviour continued.

Just three days earlier, OP had reached her breaking point when she confronted her boyfriend and Jake, who were both dealing with an overwhelming amount of frustration. A stern ultimatum was presented by her, in which she stated that any such intentional scares would result in eviction, which would effectively remove them from her life.

The inconsistency of the boyfriend’s attitude was the impetus for the choice to take such extreme actions. OP’s worries were rejected as little more than exaggerated emotions, despite the fact that he periodically intervened. In an effort to provide an explanation for Jake’s conduct, he argued that it was a common emotion among children to find enjoyment in the startle reflex of a baby.

In the midst of wrestling with the weight of her ultimatum, OP vividly recalled the moment in which she said, “If he purposefully scared my kid again, then [Jake and OP’s boyfriend] would be evicted.” Even though she had been given a strong warning, she felt a twinge of regret when Jake, who was sporting a dejected expression, went back to his room.

She left her three-month-old daughter swinging gently in her swing the night before OP recounted her story. She moved out of the room for a moment before she shared her story. Jake took advantage of the opportunity to indulge in yet another distressing event when she was out for a short period of time.

OP, who was observing from a distance, observed Jake asking in a hesitant tone, “What are you doing?” Jake was using a baby voice. The aftermath was instantaneous, and the screams of her daughter could be heard across the area. While she was running back, she realised that her boyfriend had intervened and was making an effort to resolve the matter.
A further unnerving occurrence took place about an hour after the initial disruption. This time, when OP entered the bathroom, she heard the dreaded “RA,” followed by her daughter’s sobbing once more, which reverberated throughout the home.

She did not waste any time in giving an ultimatum, which was fueled by a mixture of exasperation and concern for the well-being of her precious child. She did not wait for an answer before giving her boyfriend and Jake the instruction to pack their possessions and leave immediately. At this point, her primary concentration was on providing comfort to her toddler who was quite agitated.

As Jake became aware of the gravity of the situation, he made an effort to apologise, explaining that his actions were the result of a routine. Contrarily, the boyfriend voiced his disagreement and attempted to minimise the gravity of the events that had transpired. OP was unyielding in his refusal to accept their justifications and ordered that they leave. On the other hand, her lover stubbornly asserted his ownership of the house and refused to leave her side.

When confronted with this impasse, OP vowed to leave herself and to have the authorities serve her with a notice to vacate the premises. In spite of the boyfriend’s pleading and insistence that Jake is just 12 years old and therefore cannot be perfect, she departed and took decisive action the following day by filing for their eviction.

In the middle of the mounting tensions, OP had earlier made an effort to comprehend Jake’s reasons for frightening her kid by directly questioning him about the reasons he engaged in such behaviour. “[He] thinks it’s funny when kids cry,” OP recalled after their talk. “[He] thinks it could be funny.”

Nevertheless, there was a part of her that questioned whether or not she had made the correct decision. Why did you kick my boyfriend and his child out of the house because his son was purposefully frightening my child on a regular basis? Interrogated the OP.

The narrative of OP was shared widely over the internet, garnering a great deal of attention and sympathy from the community of people who use the internet. On the whole, the majority of people are of the opinion that she should be supported, and many of them have confirmed that she has taken the appropriate course of action.

“The NTA. Indeed. He is 12 years old. mature enough to know better and to refrain from doing it. A mature enough age to pay attention to directions. If you were to startle him every morning, would he be okay with that? No. There was a user who expressed their opinion that “he’s 12 but he’s being an AH and it sounds almost sadistic.”
“As the mother of a child who is twelve years old, I wholeheartedly concur that this is not typical behaviour for someone of that age. Maybe if he was five or six years old, but definitely not twelve. Once they have been proven correct once or twice, they learn. The fact that he mentions that he enjoys making infants cry is a cause for concern. A second individual remarked, “I am curious about the other behavioural issues that he is dealing with.”

One more internet user made a witty remark, saying, “As the mother of a child who is four years old, this [behaviour] would only be understandable if Jake was two or three years old.” If you want to wake up your partner, you should first let him get some sleep and then clatter a couple of pots together. Try to get him to change his mind by doing this about four times a night. His child is twelve years old. He is of an age where he can safely obey rules. An other commentator highlighted the fact that this is not simply a child acting like a child.

Are you in agreement with the position that OP has taken, or do you believe that she ought to have handled the situation differently? If you were in her position, what strategy would you choose to implement?

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