Memories of the pleasures of previous summers frequently cross our minds when the season transitions to higher temperatures. During a recent investigation into historical artefacts, a certain object evoked recollections of an ideal summer dessert: the ice cream maker.
Enthralled in a lighthearted guessing match, foodies were asked to name this gastronomic artefact. The response? An antique ice cream maker featuring two bowls and a manual crank.

The mechanism was basic but elegantly efficient. A smaller bowl contained the enticing blend of ingredients, and a larger one contained a concoction of ice and rock salt. The key component was the rock salt, which helped the ingredients absorb heat and turn into a smooth, creamy treat.
The prise for guessing this frosty masterpiece properly was a delicious validation of their historical prowess. But even those who missed the mark were probably taken back to those summertime recollections when the sound of the crank and the clinking of metal signalling the arrival of a frozen treat.
With the conclusion of this round of historical detective work, fans look forward to the next one, which will hopefully solve even more riddles from the past. Keep an eye out for more excursions into the realm of lost treasures, where stories about every artefact are just waiting to be discovered and nostalgia is abundant.