The ‘Express Lane’ Customer Enters with Too Many Items
Ever been in an expedited queue at a store and been stuck behind a customer with much too many items? A recent Walmart customer related this story of a cashier confronting a customer who didn’t feel like obeying the rules.
I once had my favourite experience in a Walmart. I was in Colorado Springs. I had a loaf of bread, a gallon of milk, and a few other things.
This woman nearly pushes me over to move in front of her in the 10 item line because her cart was overflowing. Which ten goods, please, ma’am? The woman starts to put her basket onto the checkout stand while the cashier inquires.

The woman pauses and asks, “What?”
The cashier responds calmly and patiently, “This is 10 items or less express queue.
While speaking, she extends both hands, showing all ten fingers. Then she pointed to the sign above the lane that proclaimed Ten Items or Less in both English and Spanish.
The woman’s face grows red and she screams, “I want all of this!”
Ma’am, I’m sorry,” the cashier said. Please choose the 10 items you want to buy today since this queue can only hold nine or fewer items.
Then, pushing her still-full cart as hard as she could, the woman lets out a noise resembled someone prodding one of those screeching goats. The old man sitting on a bench was almost hit by it. She yelled “F*** you!” and stormed out after giving us all the finger for making fun of her.
After paying for my groceries, I left the cashier a $20 tip in appreciation of the greatest improv comedy I’d seen in a while.