While kissing your child on the lips has the potential to contribute to dental cavities, trigger allergic reactions, and blur personal boundaries, it remains a practice endorsed by celebrities like David Beckham who openly share photos of themselves engaging in it with their children. And despite receiving criticism, many parents still view the act as an innocent way to express affection.
As the former Manchester United star posted a photo of himself kissing his daughter on the lips, he was instantly met with criticism from certain fans.

Nevertheless, Beckham maintains the kissing gesture is a pure and innocent expression of love for one’s child. “I’m very affectionate with the kids. It’s how I was brought up and Victoria, and it’s how we are with our children,” he said. “We want to show our kids love, and you know, we’re very affectionate with them,” he added.

On his Instagram, David Beckham has often posted selfies depicting affectionate kisses on the lips with his 11-year-old daughter Harper.
He previously shared, “I got criticized for kissing my daughter on the lips. I kiss all my kids on the lips. Brooklyn, maybe not. Brooklyn’s 18, he might find that a little bit strange.” Beckham, who became a father at the young age of 23 has a successful career and a demanding schedule yet he prioritizes his family and ensures he makes time for them.

He told The Fatherhood, “I think you mature quicker with kids. You have more important things in life to worry about than your everyday worries, and life becomes all about the kids. I think that’s what you learn as a father, you become less important, and it’s all about your children.” However, none of Beckham’s four children have expressed a desire to pursue a career in his footsteps.

Beckham said of his children’s choices. “None of my children at the moment want to be a footballer. That’s okay, because you don’t want to force anybody into doing anything. It’s important to show kids love, support, encouragement. We’ve always supported our kids in whatever they want to do.” Just like David Beckham, many celebrities share pictures of themselves kissing their children, but psychologists issue a warning against it.