Do you have a plant in your backyard that thrives magnificently? Or is it your love for your neighbor’s rose bush? Maybe a beloved rose that is becoming older?
The timing is right for a cutting.
You can propagate your favorite plant by using stem cuttings. It’s a way to increase the size of that gorgeous floribunda that you can’t help but appreciate.
The bad news, though, is this: Your likelihood of success ranges from 50% to 75%.
The bad news is that your success rate is probably going to be between 50 and 75 percent. We may benefit from the efforts and knowledge of the many rose enthusiasts who are always experimenting with methods to increase the likelihood that their cuttings will flourish. But even the most experienced rose growers frequently struggle with this success rate.
Don’t give up though! This merely suggests that in order to guarantee that you reach your desired number, you might want to plant a few more cuttings. If more cuttings germinate than expected, they can make lovely presents.
Furthermore, using this approach will inevitably move you closer to the higher end of the success rate spectrum. We have gathered the best knowledge and insights from rose growers around the world.
The second question is: Is it inappropriate to be excited about getting my hands dirty? If that’s the case, I wouldn’t want to be right. Let’s get going!
Ideal Moment for Cuttings
Many websites recommend taking cuttings in the late winter or early spring, according to a fast internet search. Some people favor the summer, while others say that the fall is the worst season. Simply put, there is a ton of contradicting information available! The truth is that the ideal time relies on a variety of variables, including your location, environment, goals, and circumstances. Although cuttings can potentially be rooted throughout the growing season, mild conditions—either cool or warm—will yield the best results.
Extreme cold, which can cause plants to suffer, and high heat, which can strain plants, are not ideal. This leaves us with winter in places where freezing is not a problem, as well as spring and fall in most temperate zones.
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Many experts advise taking cuttings in the fall, after your plant’s blooms have faded. I’ve found that this method works best, but keep in mind that it requires keeping the cuttings indoors all winter.
If you prefer to directly root your cuttings in the garden, do it in the spring following the onset of new growth. When I don’t want to spend the energy on keeping a plant indoors for several months, I find that this strategy works well. According to my observations, rose cuttings that are begun outside rather than indoors and then transplanted typically grow more quickly. Maybe it’s because they have more time to adjust to your surroundings and don’t go through the stress of moving from an indoor to an outside situation.
Creating the Cuts
Make sure the plant from which you’re getting the material is healthy before you bring your knife close to it. Avoid any plant that exhibits symptoms of pests or illnesses such as rust, mildew, fungus, insect infestations, or other pests. Don’t take a slice of your plant if you see any of these problems.
Next, avoid soft, excessively malleable material and aging, woody stems. Fresh new growth frequently has crimson or purple hues. While a small amount of red (or immature) growth is acceptable, the majority of the stem should be green where you wish to cut it.
Although it is technically possible to take cuttings from both hard and immature growth, in my experience, the latter tend to root less successfully. When taking cuttings in the fall, look for a stem that has a faded flower on it or perhaps the start of a hip with at least six sets of leaves.
Using a clean, sharp knife or clippers, choose an eight to nine-inch piece from an area with pencil-thick growth. Make a 45-degree angle cut. Continue as necessary.