The size of our universe is extremely vast. It spans 92–93 billion light-years from beginning to conclusion. the real kicker? Just the observable cosmos is present here. At the end of the day, there is a sizable percentage of the universe that we cannot see. We haven’t had time for the light from this far-off region of space to reach us since the universe is so young, and we will never be able to see (or reach) this region of the cosmos because it is expanding faster than light.
However, what we can see of the universe is surprisingly filled.
According to conservative calculations, there could be up to 5.3 trillion planets in the observable universe, or 5,300,000,000,000 habitable worlds. These may harbor life “as we don’t know it,” even though not all of them are necessary able to contain life “as we know it.”
Generally speaking, a planet must fall into the habitable zone of its star, be terrestrial (i.e., not a gas giant), and be within the acceptable size range for the emergence of life (0.5-2 times the mass of the Earth). In case you forgot, the habitable zone is the region around a planet where liquid water is conceivably possible. Nevertheless, there are some worlds that could harbor extremeophiles and other types of unusual life.
The list of planets we’ve found that, according to scientists, might be home to extraterrestrial life and that we could inhabit is summarized below.
First, KEPLER 186F

Kepler 186f is one of the most plausible prospects for life as we know it. In fact, if we could reach this planet, we might be able to settle it relatively quickly. Even with extremely generous and liberal estimations, it would take us hundreds of thousands of years to travel there because it is 490 light-years away. Just over a year ago, in April of 2014, the planet was found. Given that it is terrestrial, lies in the star’s habitable zone, and is just 10% larger than Earth, this planet fits the description of one that might be Earth-like.
In the end, Kepler 186f is merely the outermost of the Kepler-186 system’s five known planets. Red dwarf stars, which make up more than 70% of the Milky Way’s 100 billion or so stars, are far smaller and fainter than our own sun. Kepler 186 is one such red dwarf star.
An outstanding comparison between how a Caribbean sunset might appear on Earth and how it would appear on Kepler-186f at dusk was made by the Planetary Habitability Laboratory (notice the similarity in star size). This is due to the planet’s proximity, despite the fact that Kepler 186 is much smaller.
Two) KEPLER 283C
As part of a massive data dump from the Kepler Space Telescope, Kepler 283c and a number of additional planets were found. Keep in mind that, just 20 years ago, we were unaware of any planets in other solar systems, thus 700 newly confirmed exoplanets in one data set is very astounding.
But there’s a chance that this planet might be able to sustain life similar to that on Earth. It is more over 1,700 light years away from Earth and roughly twice the size of Earth, yet it orbits its star far more closely. But once more, because of the star’s smaller size, it is still firmly inside Kepler 283’s habitable zone.
GLIESE 667C F AND 667C E (3 & 4)
Personally, I believe I would support either Gliese 667C f or Gliese 667C e if we attempted to travel to any planet that might be livable. This is because the view from these would be breathtaking. Whe? The suns there are three. These are two of the strangest potentially livable worlds we’ve ever found, and this triple star system makes them even stranger. Both planets, like the other worlds discussed, are within the habitable zone of their star(s), and at a distance of only 22.1 light-years, travel would be a (little) bit more bearable.
These Kepler-62 planets are some more worlds that NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope has found, as their names imply. Given that 62e is almost 1.6 times as large as Earth and 62f is only about 1.4 times as massive, these planets would give us a little more room to work with. These planets are exceedingly remote (at least in terms of our current level of travel). They are found in the constellation Lyra, 1,200 light-years away from Earth.
Furthermore, you would be considerably older than you are right now if you were born on 62e. Every 122 days, it completes one orbit around its parent star, a red dwarf. 267 Earth days or so make up 67f’s orbit. Both 62e and 62f, according to researchers, are “water worlds” – heated locations partly or entirely covered by liquid water. As a result, they would also be fantastic places to visit (just think of how massive the whales may be there), but long-term habitation there might be a little challenging.
Seven) GLIESE 581D
Another of our neighboring stars is Gliese 581d, which is practically next door in the great scheme of things. The planet in this list that is closest to Earth is only 20 light-years distant. However, the planet might have a dense atmosphere of carbon dioxide despite its close closeness and its location in its star’s habitable zone (alas). Since we require oxygen to breathe, this would make it pretty hostile.
However, researchers also think it might be rocky and wet. Therefore, scientists believe that it may have beautiful rainforests, even though it may not be particularly large for us.
However, even if it does have oxygen, humans would still have some difficulty surviving there because it is nearly twice as massive and seven times larger than Earth. We might want to try it anyhow since it is virtually in Earth’s backyard (assuming we ever have the technology to use intergalactic travel).