Hello, my name is Emily, and I’m the mother of Harry, a five-year-old child who is very inquisitive. Our lives were going great until Harry vanished during a local fair. I had anticipated a memorable and enjoyable day, but it ended up being my worst nightmare.

It was evident how excited Harry was as we strolled throughout the fair. He rushed ahead to watch a clown make balloon animals as I went to buy ice cream. But when I turned to give him his cone, he wasn’t there.
I started to get concerned as I frantically called out Harry’s name and asked everyone if they had seen him. We searched the entire carnival for Harry when the police arrived, but we were unable to locate him.
I saw him the following morning when we returned to the park. He was standing exactly where we had been gazing, with a tiny box in his hands. His words, “Mommy, I’m fine,” eased my anxiety. “I was taken by God.”
Harry stated something about the person who stole him that really shocked me. a scar in the shape of a star near his ear on his face. I was all too familiar with the old scar left by my former lover, Michael.
As more and more information became available, I came to the possibility that I had made a grave error. I was forced to face the past the instant Michael arrived at my door. After denying any wrongdoing, he revealed the startling revelation that my closest friend Lisa had drugged him and orchestrated the entire affair.
Looking into Michael’s eyes, I saw grief and suffering. He wanted to be involved in Harry’s life and demonstrate his abilities to me. My heart began to melt as I saw Michael and Harry’s bond develop over time.
One evening when we were sitting on the porch, Michael stretched out and took my hand. He remarked, “We both made mistakes.”
“However, we have a chance to put things right for Harry and possibly even for ourselves.” I had a pleasant, fuzzy feeling inside, as if there was a possibility that we could recreate what had been lost.