Her life wasn’t always easy. Her early struggles made her stronger and more determined to succeed.
Oprah is dating her longtime partner Stedman Graham. Scroll down to learn why the two have never married after 29 years of engagement.

Some magazines have speculated that the couple will marry in a small ceremony at their Montesito home.
They often said getting married would complicate things and end their relationship.
Because they wanted no children, Oprah and Graham are fine with not having any.
“He never says, ‘Where’s my breakfast? Dinner? “Never any of that,” Oprah Winfrey told Yahoo of her fiancé.
“No question about it—we would not stay married because of what that would have meant to him, and I would have had my own ideas. No regrets.
“At one point in Chicago, I had bought an additional apartment because I was thinking, ‘Well, if we get married, I’ll need room for children,’” she said.
Motherhood requires “sacrifice,” according to Oprah.
“I realised, ‘Whoa, I’m talking to a lot of messed-up people, and they are messed up because their mothers and fathers were not aware of how serious that job is,’” she told People.
“I can’t compartmentalise like other women do. I’ve always admired stay-at-home moms because I don’t know how you do it all day. ц
Oprah had a son. 14-year-old her. The host said the boy was premature and died soon after. According to news.com.au, she discussed the experience at Melbourne’s Rod Laver Arena.
“I did an interview with a reporter before I came to Australia and she said you should name the baby son who died,” Oprah told the 15,000 audience, according to People. “So I have named him; I had a little boy named Canaan,” she said. I had a son. I named him Canaan because it means “new land, new life.”
Oprah revealed that sexual abuse caused the pregnancy. Winfrey reportedly said, “I was raped at 9 years old by a cousin, then again by another family member, and another family member.” She tried to hide her pregnancy at 14 out of “pain and shame.”