9 Signs That Your Partner Loves You More Than Their Ex Did

Finding the right person to love and be loved by is a beautiful experience. When you find someone who loves you deeply, it’s important to appreciate and cherish them. However, it’s common to wonder if your partner loves you more than their ex did. Here are 9 signs that they do:

  1. They prioritize you Your partner makes time for you, even if it’s just for a few minutes. They don’t cancel plans with you and always make an effort to see you.
  2. They accept your flaws Your partner doesn’t expect you to be perfect. They love you for who you are, flaws and all.
  3. They make you feel safe Your partner makes you feel protected and secure. They’re there for you during difficult times and will never leave you at your weakest.
  4. They respect your opinion Your partner values your opinion, even if they don’t agree with it. They take it into account and make decisions together with you.
  5. They stick with you through tough times Your partner won’t leave you during your darkest moments. They support you and help you stand again.
  6. They love your family and friends Your partner understands the importance of your social support and loves your family and friends as much as you do.
  7. They show affection Your partner constantly shows affection, whether it’s through holding hands, kissing or hugging. They care for you deeply and express it often.
  8. They accept your quirks Your partner doesn’t judge you for being yourself, even if that means being a little crazy at times. They make you feel comfortable in your own skin.
  9. They’re patient and understanding Your partner is patient and understanding, especially during your mood swings. They do their best to support you and be gentle with you.

In conclusion, if your partner exhibits these signs, you can be confident that they love you deeply and are committed to your relationship. Cherish and appreciate them for who they are and the love they give you.

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