Only A Man Who Really Loves Will Always Do These Things So His Woman Feels Loved

1. He accepts you just the way you are. He won’t try to change to change who you are to fit into who he thinks you should be.

2. He makes you his priority. He shows you through his words and actions how important you are to him. He makes you feel so special.

3. He supports your dreams and plans to better yourself. He is not threatened by your desire to be a successful woman.

4. He expresses his feelings to you. He is not ashamed of what he feels for you and he is not ashamed to show you off too.

5. He trusts you wholeheartedly. He is not possessive and controlling. He doesn’t throw tantrums about who you call or about your friends. He respects your privacy.

6. He apologizes when he’s wrong. He doesn’t play the gender card and claim that men can do no wrong because they are the heads. He says sorry as at when due and means it.

7. He laughs with you, plays with you, and jokes around with you. You are your goofy self with him because he loves seeing you happy.

8. He keeps in touch with you through calls, messages and chats. He’s not too busy to hear your voice and you don’t have to chase him around to know how he’s doing.

9. He makes your problems his problems. He doesn’t disappear when you are facing challenges and resurfaces when everything is over as if nothing happened.

10. He creates time for bonding. He knows how important it is to spend quality time with you and he is committed to enjoying that with you.

If the man you are dating or married to doesn’t possess the qualities listed above, you are dating yourself or married to yourself or your children.

Stop making excuses for how bad that man treats you. You deserve better. You shouldn’t be used to a bad relationship. It’s not fair on you and your mental health.

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