Ugly Scars Transformed By This Talented Tattoo Artist

Ugly scars seem to remind a hard time. Life can bring many struggles her way.

Sometimes, an accident or a painful event can lead to being left with scars, and I’m not talking about only physical but emotional ones, too.

Being reminded every day of the stressful situations in the past can upset people. Even though many of them wear those scars with pride, the soul needs peace.

Raquel Gauthier is a tattoo artist who helps people get rid of their ugly scars. She is very talented and creates beautiful designs that cover up any size of scars on people’s bodies. She often shares her work and the stories behind them on her Instagram account.

Viral Strange has collected, once again, some of her work for you to get inspired.

1. These scars are beautifully dressed

scar transformation
© raquelgauthier / Instagram

2. Big scar turned into a big flower

© raquelgauthier / Instagram

3. Uterus scars

scar transformation
© raquelgauthier / Instagram

4. Such an amazing job

© raquelgauthier / Instagram

5. Scars in the arm

© raquelgauthier / Instagram

6. This is ICONIC!

scar transformation
© raquelgauthier / Instagram

7. Nice scar cover-up.

© raquelgauthier / Instagram

8. Such a cute tattoo

scar transformation
© raquelgauthier / Instagram

9. Hiding the pain

© raquelgauthier / Instagram

10. That is such an elegant tattoo

© raquelgauthier / Instagram

11. Thigh tattoo

scar transformation
© raquelgauthier / Instagram

12. Neck cover-up

© raquelgauthier / Instagram

13. C-Section scar is turned into art

scar transformation
© raquelgauthier / Instagram

14. This tattoo on the leg is so amazing!

© raquelgauthier / Instagram

15. Another ornamental tattoo

scar transformation
© raquelgauthier / Instagram

16. Just beautiful!

© raquelgauthier / Instagram

Which one of these transformations did you like most? Do you have any scars that you would like to cover up? Tell us in the comments!

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