6 Characteristics Of Highly Intelligent People According To Science

Do you possess superior intelligence? Can you be really intelligent yet not yet realize it? Being intelligent entails more than just having information or being creative or bright or quick-witted. It is simpler to identify intelligent people because they have a variety of distinctive traits.
The ability to study, comprehend, and form or maintain a reasonable opinion is referred to as intelligence. There are various sorts of intelligence, including musical, emotional, interpersonal, and intellectual. The same person could have a variable level of intelligence depending on the sphere, claims scientific research. Or, to put it another way, a person can be an amazing genius at arithmetic but completely incapable of interacting with others.
The subject of how intelligence develops and what elements determine whether a person is intelligent in one area but not so intelligent in another arises here. Dr. Perpetua Neo, a psychologist and executive coach, holds the following opinion: “Certain traits connected to intelligence get selected for by evolution because this enables a species to survive during times of transitions/disasters, create more prosperous [civilizations], or conquer new habitats.”
But are genes and evolution the only factors involved? Do a child’s upbringing, education, social environment, and parenting style also have an impact on how intelligent they become? The truth is that there is still no comprehensive list of all the variables that affect someone’s IQ that has been developed by scientists. What is certain, however, is that those with high IQ scores and high levels of intelligence have a number of traits. Here are six of them that we have listed based on study from science:

1.One is curiosity. Research from 2016 found a link between childhood intelligence and the desire to obtain experience as an adult. The study was published in the Journal of Individual Differences. The researchers who carried out the study have been observing UK-born individuals for 50 years. They came to the conclusion that, compared to the other kids, the 11-year-olds with higher IQ scores were more eager to try new things when they were 50.
2. Originality. Knowledge is not as vital as imagination. Einstein People with high IQs are remarkably inventive. For instance, the Theory of Relativity was made possible by Einstein’s imaginative creativity. He first considered what it would be like to ride a light beam. It turns out that intelligence also includes creativity. According to Dr. Perpetua Neo, “being open and creative means that we can easily piece together new insights that are qualitatively different from the sum of their parts.”

3. Taking a Chance. It turns out that taking chances could be an indication of higher intelligence. Finnish research from 2015 indicates that risk-takers are smarter than others. A driving simulation test had to be passed by the study subjects. They had to either wait for the yellow traffic lights to turn red or continue driving through them. According to the researchers, those who made hazardous choices throughout the experiment had more white brain matter, the area of the brain associated with cognitive ability.
4. They Are Not Afraid To Acknowledge Their Lack Of Knowledge. Because I am aware of my ignorance, I can say, “I know that I am intelligent.” — Socrates
People with intelligence don’t hesitate to admit when they don’t understand something. Business Insider reports that research by Justin Kruger and David Dunning showed that those who are not particularly clever have a tendency to exaggerate their skills. For instance, students who performed poorly on an exam modeled after the LSAT overestimated the percentage of questions they had properly answered by about 50%. Those with the highest scores also underestimated the amount of right responses they had provided.

5. Being the eldest child. Someone’s high degree of intelligence could be due to the fact that they are the oldest sibling. Given that parents are typically stricter with their firstborn children, this might be connected to the parent’s behavior. Some economists at the University of Edinburgh agree with the idea that first-born children are brighter because of their parents’ behavior, according to an article in The Independent. The economists examined data pertaining to 5,000 kids along with a team from Sydney University. Every two years, they took a reading and pictorial vocabulary test. The findings indicated that first-borns performed better on the exams because they had more parental assistance with the chores.

6. Making time for solitude. A 2016 study is covered in a Washington Post article. It was undertaken by psychologists from Singapore Management University and the London School of Economics. The findings showed that those with higher IQs actually felt better if they engaged in fewer social interactions. The so-called “savanna theory of happiness” was applied by the researchers of the study. The material from a nationwide study conducted in the United States with 15,000 participants was analyzed by the researchers. First, they discovered that residents of denserly populated areas reported lower levels of life satisfaction. The study’s participants claimed that people are less content when their immediate surroundings have a higher population density. Second, they discovered that a person’s pleasure increased in direct proportion to the number of close friendships they had.
But with clever individuals, it wasn’t like that. “The effect of population density on life satisfaction was, therefore, more than twice as large for low-IQ individuals than for high-IQ individuals,” the researchers said. Furthermore, “more intelligent individuals were actually less satisfied with life if they socialized with their friends more frequently.”


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