Owner Was Afraid Of Her Dog’s Reaction To New Puppy, But Her Heart Melted When She Saw It

You may be sure that if you show your dog even a small amount of affection, he will return the favor and be faithful to you for the rest of his life. However, not all dogs are the same, just as not all people are; some dogs are friendlier than others toward other dogs.

Danielle Hunt, a dog owner from Greenville, Ohio, received a puppy named Piper a few years ago, and she and her husband, Tom, fell in love with the animal right away. They didn’t even consider Piper’s reaction to another dog at the moment.

But as this Italian Greyhound got older, things started to change, and they realized Piper actually needed a furry friend. Regretfully, they put off making that choice for a very long time because they were worried about her response to having another dog in the family.

Initially in love

Tom and Danielle have always had cats in their house, and Piper’s close bond with them served as an example for them of how much a true companion would mean to her.

She had a wonderful friendship with cats, but her favorite games at the dog park were those in which she got very excited. For this reason, some five years later, Danielle and Tom made the decision to buy a new dog.

Danielle had never felt more anxious than she did on the day when the new family member showed up at their Greenville, Ohio, home. They named the new dog Honey, and although she was worried that Piper wouldn’t like her, the exact reverse occurred.

Piper was ecstatic to have someone to share her greatest memories with at last. When she saw this ideal pair in each other’s arms, Danielle was the only one who was happier than her.

But it’s important to note that Danielle and Tom considered every factor before selecting Piper’s ideal puppy. An Italian Greyhound is renowned for being a kind and loving breed, and Honey was one of them.

Apart from that, they were actually half-sisters because they bred from the same male. There was just no way this relationship could not work out.

Numerous Hearts That Melt

Long ago, Danielle made a TikTok account, where she has shared videos of Piper’s daily activities. Nevertheless, after Honey joined their family, she began sharing footage of their most romantic exchanges.

Even Danielle was quite aback by how much attention the first one—which you just watched—attracted.

“The response has been overwhelming, and so many people were on the fence like we were about getting a companion for their pet,” she said in an interview with Newsweek. Many people were enthralled with their narrative and the obvious depth of their love for one another. I’m happy I did, and it was the wisest decision we could have done.

An individual on TikTok commented, “That’s true love in the making!! 🥰🥰🥰.”

Another person said, “They have a sunroom, so everything is right with the world.”

“Sweet pups and sweet set-up… living their best life ❣️🐶🐷🏠❣️,” the third person joked.

Despite having everything she could have ever dreamed, Piper’s life has finally gone full circle since genuine friendship is the only thing that can truly complete it.

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