Day After R. Kelly Gets Sentenced To 30 Years, Fans Now Calling Out His Ex, Drea Kelly

As y’all have likely heard by now…R. Kelly is gonna be in pr’!so’n for decades to come — three of them to be exact. However, in case you missed that info…inside a Brooklyn, NY courtroom on Wednesday, June 29, 2022, the “Bump n’ Grind” crooner was sentenced to 30 years for 9 ch@rges he was previously found gu!l’ty of, including $ex cr!m’es and human tr@ffi’cki’ng. Federal prosecutors @ccu’sed R. Kelly of ta’rgeti’ng women, girls and boys. Judge Ann M. Donnelly handed down the 30-year sentence, which brought one of the highest profiled cases the U.S, District Attorney’s office had seen in years.

The public’s views on R. Kelly’s sentencing have been mixed. R. Kelly’s non-supporters feel the sentencing is perfect, given the $e’x @ssa’ult cr!m’es several of his former girlfriends and/or associates have @ccu’sed him of. However, his supporters believe he was sentenced far more ha’rshly because of his race, while people of other races have received far less time for equally har’sh cr!m’es.


It’s the latter group that waisted no time droppin’ by Andrea Lee-Kelly’s (R. Kelly’s ex-wife and mother of his kids) social media page to call her out over this, soon after Kelly’s 30-year sentencing was announced. Peep some of the comments below…

Fans left comments under several posts of Drea’s.

In one post, Drea promoted her children’s acting program, to which one commenter wrote, “This bi**h aint.a damn actress! Unless I want to learn how to be a peophile n act like u a vic’tim instead and its for KIDS??? uuuhm. Yea”

Underneath that same post, another commenter said, “Take Kelly of your name you b##ch.” referring to Andrea’s continued use of R. Kelly’s last name.

For several years there seemed to have been a love/not-so-loved type of outlook the public has had with Andrea Kelly. Many @cc’use her of being a ‘hyp’ocrite’ for supposedly knowing about some of the $ex’ual/physical @bu’se R. Kelly was reportedly capable of infli’cting on his alleged vic’tims,  yet not speaking out about it publicly until decades later, when the support checks Kelly was paying her reportedly began to slow up. On the flip side, other fans applaud Drea for finally having the courage to speak out.

In addition to coming for Drea following R. Kelly’s sentencing, many fans have also att’ack’ed the legal system altogether, by pointing out the differences between the 20-year sentence, Ghislaine Maxwell — the ex-wife of dec’eased alleged $e’x-tr@ffic’ker/$e’x-@ssa’ult’er, Jeff Epstein — vs. R. Kelly’s 30-year bid; and more. Check out some of those comments below…

One commenter took a more neutral stance, writing “I feel like both people need to pay immensely for what they have done to children. Touching children should be and automatic LIFE sentence. But I’m pretty sure Ghrislaine Maxwell definitely deserves life without the possibility of parole.”

Another commenter referred to R.Kelly’s sentencing as a diversion. “#RKelly, like Cosby, is a diversion by the white predators who own/run the media to keep attention off themselves. When will Stephen Collins finally go on trial? Or Trump? Matt Gaetz? Les Moonves? Rob Lowe? Never. … But guaranteed the next big celebrity ‘r@pe’ trial will be black,” the user wrote on Twitter.

One commenter pointed out, “So #GhislaineMaxwell got less time than #RKelly and we STILL don’t know her client list? Gotcha”

Other people were all for the 30-year sentence the judge handed down to R. Kelly…

One Twitter user wrote, “#RKelly isn’t the black vi’cti’m. He’s the @bus’er of black women and children. This #FreeRKelly movement is wishing against justice for black people!.”

As of now, the “Seems Like You’re Ready” singer has not spoken out regarding the 30-year bid he’s now serving…but we’ll keep y’all posted on this.

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